Organization: IMA International
Registration deadline: 24 Aug 2018
Starting date: 24 Sep 2018
Ending date: 12 Oct 2018
From Monitoring & Evaluation to Theory of Change & Strategic Planning
This three week certificate course focuses on how to capture the changes arising from your development interventions. Building on your recently acquired Theory of Change learning you go on to build on your monitoring and evaluation skills which together support you in your strategic decision making. It includes a 1-1 professional coaching session after you return to work to help embed your learning further.
Why choose this course
This is for managers and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) officers who need to plan and implement M&E in their projects and programmes and for those wanting to improve their M&E skills. This course will focus on the practical aspect of M&E, from the development of a framework to monitor programme and projects to the design of an evaluation. Theory of Change approach will be utilised as a way of bringing learning into practice in order to promote strategic decision making.
What you will learn
Through a mix of practical activities, theory and examples of effective practice you learn how to:
- clarify results at the programme level using logic models and plan a project using the logical framework
- develop indicators and targets
- combine qualitative and quantitative approaches to gather and interpret data
- use your findings to stimulate learning, improvement and stakeholder buy-in
- develop and work with a practical M&E system
- Theory of Change overview
- Desired Change - understanding how change happens
- Contribution Assessment framework and participatory methodologies
Daily Course Objectives
Subject to change to reflect participants' needs.
Day 1
Week 1: Theory of Change and Strategic Planning
- definitions and key concepts
- relationship with M&E: complementarities and innovations
- Desired change: understanding how change happens
- Conditions of Change
Day 2
Develop a Theory of Change
- assessing our work: Attribution or Contribution to change?
Contribution Assessment versus Impact Assessment
explore Pathways of Change: alternative ways to contribute to change
the power of assumptions: how does our thinking affect our actions?
Day 3
Complexity, power and learning for social change
- stakeholder engagement: understanding complexity and power dynamics
- develop Pathways of Change: alternative ways to contribute to change
- Indicators of Change: how we know we are contributing to change
Day 4
Contribution assessment framework and participatory methodologies
- assessing contribution to change
- participatory methods and tools for contribution assessment
- reflecting on our assessment practices
Day 5
Integrating learning into practice
- revisiting our M&E system from a contribution assessment perspective
- meta-skills for facilitating Theory of Change processes
- learning synthesis and steps forward
Day 6
Week 2: Principles of M&E for Results
The changing role and practice of M&E
- M&E fundamentals
- results approaches: outputs, outcomes and impact
- relate M&E to your programme and project cycle
- identify stakeholders and their differing needs and roles
Day 7
Results framework
- develop logic models
- work with and beyond logframes
Day 8
Developing M&E frameworks
- criteria for indicators
- develop project indicators
- identify means of verification
Day 9
Gathering data/information/knowledge
- quantitative and qualitative approaches and instruments
- data organisation, quality assurance and analysis
- design baseline, evaluation and impact studies
Day 10
M&E system and plan
- prepare M&E plan
- M&E system
- week 2 learning synthesis
Day 11
Week 3: Embedding Key M&E practices and apply these to your live work cases or a local organisation
- situation and context analysis
- critical overview of logframes
Day 12
Evaluation techniques
- design evaluations for stakeholder benefit and use
- choice and use of qualitative and quantitative collection instruments
- making use of M&E data/information/knowledge
Day 13
Participatory data collection methods
- Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) techniques
- timeline exercises
- focus group discussions
- key informant interviews
Day 14
Learning sysnthesis and reflection
- innovative M&E approaches (Theory of Change)
- participant presentations preparation
Day 15
Using what you have learnt
- participant presentations
- embedding learning for personal and organisational benefit
- becoming change agents for M&E.
Other locations/dates:
Bangkok, Thailand: 12 -30 Nov 2018
How to register:
For more information please visit us at, email us on or call us on +44 (0) 1273 833030.
View our fact sheet here...
We also run this course as in-house training for organisations.